I would buy among us merch!
I would do something like this too
buy a cat
Awww ✨
the logical response is to use it to invest it on smth to make more money later, but honestly idk if i can realistically trust myself on that one fr and fr
I would buy all the timhortons in the world.
Give it to my mom so she can get a better job and get into rehab
and maybe even a better house
and ill take a portion so I can get better supplies for art and modeling
Aww, this is cute
buy these 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻
Buy braincells
Freaking genius ✋
you gotta get me some too
donate it to charity, solve the littering, file a lawsuit against paparazzi, and use 98% of it to buy Nintendo Games sorry
stfu ur literally 3ft
Save it 😎
That's actually genius
Because i'm so smart
get lunch
i would by 2500 dollars of gift cards 500 off shoes and 7000 on clothes
my braincells are ✋
then you would have to buy braincells 😎 (joke)
I would buy among us merch!
buy a cat
the logical response is to use it to invest it on smth to make more money later, but honestly idk if i can realistically trust myself on that one fr and fr
I would buy all the timhortons in the world.
Give it to my mom so she can get a better job and get into rehab
and maybe even a better house
and ill take a portion so I can get better supplies for art and modeling
buy these 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻
Buy braincells
donate it to charity, solve the littering, file a lawsuit against paparazzi, and use 98% of it to buy Nintendo Games sorry
Save it 😎
get lunch
i would by 2500 dollars of gift cards 500 off shoes and 7000 on clothes